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Impact Factor of Mechanics of Composite Materials

Composite materials are formed when two or more materials are combined on a macroscopic scale to form a new material, this new material the by-product of the combined previous materials, will usually show their predecessors best qualities. Composite materials are of mainly four types varying in characteristics. They are Fibrous composite materials, laminated composite materials, particulate composite materials, and the last type being a combination of some or all of the first three types.

Composite materials - scheme

Each composite material has different mechanics because of their structure. Aluminium, titanium, and steel all have different mechanics and each of them although being a composite material has different strength-to-density and stiffness-to-density ratios making them purposeful for different purposes.
Not all composite materials show improved qualities but most of them do and some of the improved combined properties of composite materials are:

• Strength
• Attractiveness
• Corrosion resistance
• Thermal conductivity
• Fatigue life
• Thermal insulation

The mechanics of each composite material varies so does their impact factor. For example Formica, a compound composite material has different mechanics than concrete which is also a very common composite material.

Composite materials are used everywhere from building bridges to building the space shuttle. Their use is propagated due to the extensive advantages they provide in terms of not only reducing cost and increasing efficiency but making things viable which otherwise would not be possible if there were no composite materials.

Humans from the beginning of time have been in search of finding new and improved composite materials, the early man used mud and straws to make homes and later turned to brick making and concrete which are all composite materials made of two or more different ingredients. This goes to show that each composite material has different and distinct properties which make them special for different purposes and all of the different composite materials have different mechanics because of their different physical constitutions.

This also brings us to the fact that different composite materials have different impact factors depending on their strengths, and physical and chemical properties for example glass-reinforced plastic has a different impact factor of mechanics than a metal matrix composite made up through the bonding of two metals.

Composite materials which have a homogeneous body show uniform properties throughout while composite materials which have an isotropic body they show material properties that are same in every direction at a particular point in the body. Composite materials can also be orthotropic or anisotropic. The orthotropic body has material properties which are different in three mutually perpendicular directions while the anisotropic body has material properties different in all directions in a particular point in the body.

Composite materials are used everywhere from military aircraft to ships used by civilians. Humans are always in search of new and improved materials for building new and improved things, be it roads, highways or space shuttle or ships and composite materials have replaced traditional materials because of their superior quality and their ability to perform improved capabilities. The varieties of uses of composite materials are also because of their different impact factors of mechanics resulting in better designs or improved safety.

Mechanics of Composite Materials and their different impact factor is what makes each and every composite material special and good for different purposes.